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Electric Company in Anne Arundel County, MD

When you need an expert to complete your electrical repairs, installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, All Spark Electric is ready to assist you. We are a full-service electric company serving Anne Arundel County, MD homes and businesses. We comprise licensed and experienced electricians performing quality services for our clients daily. Our team is courteous and effective from beginning to end. We aim to get the job done right the first time for your complete satisfaction.

electrician working

We Build Relationships That Last

We’ve been in the electrical service business for years and take pride in caring for homes and businesses. Our team is reliable, respectful, and dedicated. Our commitment to customer satisfaction drives our customers to return to us for their electrical repairs, installations, and upgrades. By choosing us, you’ll receive a partner for life, ensuring your electricity is safe and functional. We love getting to know our customers and their needs and providing solutions that enhance their property.

Safe & Secure Electrical Solutions

Safety is among our top priorities. We commit to providing top-quality services quickly and carefully. Our team is fully trained, licensed, and certified to handle all electrical services. We carry insurance for our company and team members to ensure they are covered and your property is protected. Our services reduce risks of health and safety hazards like fires, shocks, and surges. We follow strict safety protocols and industry best practices. We will ensure that your home or building is up to code.

We’ll Prepare You for the Unexpected

Intense rain and snowstorms are common in our area, but you never know when a power outage can strike. If you lose power or experience a significant electrical event, our team will help you. We provide 24/7 and emergency services to home and business owners, restoring their safety and daily operations. We quickly assess, diagnose, and develop effective solutions for all electrical issues. We are equipped to fix and maintain all systems and components. You can depend on us to restore your peace of mind and happiness.

Contact Us for an Estimate Today