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Commercial Electric in Anne Arundel County, MD

All Spark Electric improves energy efficiency and safety. We are a full-service commercial electric company in Anne Arundel County, MD serving businesses of all kinds. Our seasoned and certified team provides an array of services, including repairs, installation, and maintenance. Whether you own or operate a mom-and-pop shop or an industrial facility, you can rely on our team to provide exceptional services with courtesy and professionalism. Our comprehensive services will keep your business powered before, during, and after hours.

commercial wiring project

Why Choose All Spark Electric

Business owners depend on us to provide outstanding electrical services. Here’s what we provide:

  • Safety: We’ll ensure your commercial building’s electrical systems are secure and up to code, reducing fire, shock, surges, and other electrical hazards.
  • Customization: We work directly with property owners and managers to design customized electrical solutions to meet their precise needs and requirements.
  • Reliability: We respond quickly to requests. You can feel confident that any electrical issue in your building will be addressed swiftly and carefully.
  • Energy Efficiency: We identify ways to make commercial buildings more energy-efficient and install LED lighting and other upgrades.

Full-Service Electrician for Businesses

Our team is fully trained, licensed, and equipped to handle small- and large-scale electricity services for businesses. Here are the services we provide:


We fix all electrical systems and products from different brands, makes, and models.


We install updates to current electrical systems and carefully replace whole systems and components.


We provide routine inspection and annual maintenance checks for businesses and commercial spaces.


We provide energy-efficient upgrades for commercial buildings, saving them money and reducing waste.

Lighting Services

We install and maintain recessed lighting, security lighting, landscape lighting, and LED retrofits.

Providing Emergency Electrical Services in Ann Arundel

All Spark Electric is a locally owned and operated business serving other businesses throughout Ann Arundel County. We understand the delays, frustration, and revenue loss caused by electrical malfunctions and power outages. Our team is available for emergency and 24/7 services to restore your operations. We aim to get you back to business as quickly as possible. By providing quick and dependable emergency services, we’ll make your building safer, more comfortable, and functional for your employees and customers.

Contact Us for an Estimate Today