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Durable Generators in Anne Arundel County, MD

All Spark Electric keeps homes and businesses powered throughout the year by installing, repairing, and maintaining backup generators in Anne Arundel County, MD. We comprise courteous, skilled technicians with knowledge and expertise in all electrical systems. We perform minor and complex projects with excellence, ensuring safety and comfort within properties. We aim to prepare your home or business for the harshest weather and conditions. We offer comprehensive electrical services to area properties.


Why Do Properties Have Backup Generators?

Generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, powering devices, applications, heating, and cooling. Many remote and off-the-grid properties have them because their primary power source may be unreliable, especially when inclement weather strikes. Properties of all kinds may lose power during intense snow and rainstorms and other significant weather events. When the power goes out, you can depend on your backup generator to keep your home powered until your primary electrical source works again.

How Will I Benefit From a Generator?

Backup generators are low-maintenance and convenient to install, repair, and maintain. You can count on your unit to provide the following during power outages and disasters:

Relief During Emergencies

Backup generators can provide power during emergencies and power outages, ensuring your systems stay on and functional.

Peace & Comfort

You, your family, or your employees can feel confident in your generator's ability during the worst conditions.


Generators can power vital medical equipment, technology, and security systems, ensuring safety during power outages.


You can choose from many generator sizes, shapes, and power levels, customizing it to meet your needs.

Prepare Your Property With the Best

We recommend having a backup power source installed on your property, even if you have a functioning primary source. Even modern homes and businesses in populated, well-equipped areas can suffer damage from weather events. Our team is knowledgeable about all generator brands, makes, and models. We can set up a meeting to discuss your energy usage and needs. We’ll recommend brands and system setups based on your needs and wants. All Spark Electric provides outstanding and respectful services to satisfy you.

Contact Us for an Estimate Today