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Panel Upgrades in Anne Arundel County, MD

At All Spark Electric, we provide peace of mind and restored properties through quality panel upgrades to Anne Arundel County, MD homes and businesses. We are a fully trained, licensed, and insured team with years of experience. Our thorough repairs, replacements, and maintenance help home and business owners stay secure. Our friendly, honest, and skilled team provides routine and emergency services with commitment and professionalism. You can count on us to get the job done right the first time.

new electrical panel

What Is a Panel Upgrade?

A panel upgrade includes replacing current electrical panels with new ones that have better ampere capacity. They are also known as panel changeouts or electrical service upgrades. Many property owners need upgrades to keep up with increasing electrical usage and needs. Many older panels cannot support modern electricity. They can degrade your electrical quality and be a safety hazard to properties, people, and animals. If your lights flicker often or smell burning with your electricity running, you may need a changeout.

What Will Upgrades Do for My Property?

Changing your electrical panel when too old or irreparable can restore your property’s safety, comfort, and function. We recommend replacing and upgrading if you want one or more of the following for your home or business:

Enhance Safety

Mitigates electrical fire and shocks and other electrical safety risks

Greater Electrical Capacity

Increases your power and circuits, enabling you to use more devices and appliances.

Boosted Efficiency

Reduces energy usage and monthly costs for a more efficient property.

Low Maintenance

Cuts down on costly, inconvenient repairs and maintenance work.


Runs reliably and is less prone to power outages and electrical issues.

When Should I Upgrade My Panel?

We recommend having your electrical panel inspected by professionals when it’s 10 years or older. A well-maintained one may last longer, but you should still have it serviced frequently. Flickering lights may be a sign of a more significant issue. Our team is fully trained and certified to troubleshoot and diagnose panel problems. We can assess your panel’s condition and determine whether a repair, replacement, or upgrade is best. All Spark Electric is here for you, your home, or your business.

Contact Us for an Estimate Today