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Power Surge Protection in Ann Arundel County

All Spark Electric ensures robust protection against electrical issues by installing power surge protection in Ann Arundel County, MD homes. We are a full-service electrical company specializing in inspection, diagnosis, and fixes for all systems and components. Whether you want year-round protection for your home or want to prepare it for an upcoming weather event, our team will be there to install a quality product to keep you safe. We offer enhanced protection for area homes, families, and businesses.

circuit breaker

What’s a Whole House Surge Protector?

Whole house surge protectors keep appliances, systems, and technology safe from voltage spikes or surges. They are especially useful during heavy rain and thunderstorms. They prevent thunder strikes from compromising electricity and damaging or destroying your items. A whole house system includes a surge protector device. The devices are usually installed on the primary electrical panel and intercept power surges and strikes. It also regulates flow and intensity levels, making homes and businesses safer and maintaining their functionality.

What Surge Protection Can Provide Your Property

Home and business owners with whole house protection devices enjoy greater peace of mind and comfort. The benefits of installing a surge protector on your property include the following:

Comprehensive Protection

Whole house devices protect small- and large-scale appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, and home entertainment systems.

Boosted Safety

Surges are a safety hazard that can cause fire and shocks. A whole-house device will minimize surge intensity and impact.

Longer Appliance Lifespans

Your appliances will be protected from surge and strike damage, enabling them to last longer.


Surge devices save homeowners from costly repair and maintenance work.

Preparing Your Property for the Worst

Intense rain and thunderstorms are common in our area. We recommend having surge protection installed to support your electrical system and prevent safety hazards. Doing so will save you money and keep you and those you care about protected. All Spark Electric has years of experience serving homes and electrical systems of all types. We’ll provide you with a quick and seamless installation. Our responsible, dependable team will ensure you and your property are ready for the harshest weather conditions.

Contact Us for an Estimate Today