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Security Lighting Anne Arundel County, MD

All Spark Electric is a full-service electrical company providing security lighting for Anne Arundel County, MD homes and businesses. We understand how important it is to always protect the people you care about. We install, maintain, and repair security lights and their components, including motion sensors, timers, and viewing systems, ensuring they’re prepared to detect intruders. Whether you want to stop reoccurring criminal activity on your grounds or ready your soon-to-be property, we can provide an optimal solution for you.

motion activated light

Enhancing Security for Properties and People

Security lights are a type of outdoor lighting designed to deter criminal activity on property grounds. They usually comprise motion-activated and dusk-to-night lighting styles. Motion-activated lights turn on when they detect movement at night or after business hours. Dusk-to-dawn lights automatically turn on when the sun goes down or when a certain amount of natural light disappears. Security lighting can reduce or prevent many types of crime, including:

  • Burglaries, Robberies, & Break-Ins
  • Loitering
  • Graffiti & Vandalism
  • Drug Activity
  • Trespassing
  • Any Violent Crime on Property Grounds

What Can Security Lights Do for Me?

With security lights, home, and business owners instill peace of mind and confidence. Our systems and solutions offer the following benefits:

Reduce Criminal Activity

Criminals are less likely to enter or break into well-lit property grounds for fear of being detected or caught.

Customizable Options

We can install motion sensors, timers, and remote viewing and customize them according to your schedule and preferred protection level.

A Safer Property

Security lights illuminate hidden areas for employees and customers, reducing slips and falls and removing trip hazards.

24/7 Protection

We provide 24/7 lighting, providing complete property protection before, during, and after office hours.

For a Safe, Comfortable Home or Business

As a locally owned and operated business, All Spark Electric supports and understands home and business owners concerned with their property’s security. We aim to ensure criminals, intruders, and trespassers stay away from your loved ones. Our team will survey and assess your grounds, particularly the areas where enhanced security is needed. We’ll make recommendations on where to place you’re your lights. After installing them, your property will be adequately illuminated, comforting you on and off the clock.

Contact Us for an Estimate Today